contemporary watercolours... and some screenprints
Custom Portraits of pets, people or plants.
Click for more information.The Artist's Favorites
Who is this?
This is me, Michelle, the artist. I'm an unapologetic animal enthusiast. In fact, before art I studied ethology (animal behavior). As it happens I taught myself watercolor painting on a whim a few years ago and I loved it. Many of these paintings are a labour of that love; long, long, stretches of time to finish them. But I did it all for you so I hope you enjoy them.
Random facts about the artist
That time when I was on Martha
Once upon a time I had the pleasure of doing two segments of live TV with Martha Stewart. I showed her how to screenprint DIY style. It was fun and exciting. She was tall and beautiful.
Sometimes You'll find me in Austin
I'm Canadian but when I get the winter blues I head to Austin. It's fun, vibrant, and full of lovely people. If you go there I guarantee you'll eat well, drink well and strangers will become friends.
I used to be a screenprinter
I call myself a recovering screenprinter. For about 15 years I printed and printed and printed. Always with big screens and always by my little old self. So eventually my back started to ache and then it really never stopped. So I don't print any longer. But that's ok. I fell in love with painting watercolours.
Shipping is almost always free
Free shipping to the continental US and Canada for all prints and custom portraits excluding limited edition prints.